Crop Circle Formation Report by Judy Arndt. |
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A steady stream of traffic whizzes by on two major streets, but motorists can't see what's nestled in the adjoining field. Every few minutes aircraft pass overhead on flight paths to and from two airports. This formation lies within city limits of Edmonton, population 624,000. The circles were discovered on September 21, 1999, by farm workers spraying the field. Seven circles of flattened plants comprise a formation about 190 feet
(58 meters) long. |
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The lay of the crop in all seven circles is radial, but a narrow clockwise ring borders each circle. At left is an exploded view of the three different actions that seem to have affected the plants. |
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This larger view of the west circle shows standing tufts of barley, and the degree of infestation with thistle. |
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This is not just another pretty crop formation. In fact it's not pretty at all from on the ground. Thistle and barley are laid hard to the ground. Above that are standing tufts of barley. Some is semi-standing--not upright but all kinked at the nodes. Nodes are bent at angles from 40 to 120 degrees. Looking at these plants, you get the impression that a violent energy event has happened here. Larger images, east circle. |
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We found thousands upon thousands
of elongated and ruptured nodes in this formation. See enlarged photos of deformed and normal nodes from this field. |
Several small mounds of fresh earth appear to have erupted from the ground. We did not find any of these mounds in the centers of circles. In the large circle, there was a small mound of earth about 12 inches (30 cm) across that looked as if it had been pushed up from the earth below. The fresh earth around the edges lay on top of some of the downed crop, indicating that it fell there after the plants were laid. The laid crop swirled around this location in a semi-circular pattern. I show the location on the Lay of crop diagram.
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In the exact center of the north circle, there is a wide three-way crack in the soil, opening to a hole. The sides of the hole are angled downwards at smooth angles. Here are pictures and a diagram of the strange hole. |
One visitor to the formation went to the center of the large circle, intending to make a call on his cell phone. The phone wouldn't work and the battery power dropped rapidly by three points. After being outside the formation for about five minutes he was able to use his cell phone again. I spoke to Constable E. Kuzikowski of the Edmonton Police Service who had been called out to the formation after it was discovered. No tresspassers, vandals or unusual lights had been reported to the police. If anyone wanted to hoax a formation, it's a puzzle to me why they would choose a field of prickly barley and thorny thistle. It's no place for a party! We had to wear high leather boots and leather gloves to take samples of the plants and soil for laboratory analysis by the BLT Research Team. |
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If you've come directly to this page, see the aerial photo on this report's title page (78 K) | |
All photos and diagrams are copyright Judy Arndt unless otherwise noted. These pages are hosted by Treasure House